Tempo (Speed)
- Songs can be lots of different speeds -- they can be really slow or really fast
- Ask kids if they can name a slow or fast song
- When you are talking about speed in music it is called tempo
- However, in music, they don’t use words like “slow” or “fast,” instead they use Italian words
- Explain each tempo (its name, the speed it represents, and demonstrate it by clapping or playing the drum at that speed) -- it may help to relate the tempos to how people move or an animal
- Largo - Very slow / like a baby crawling / turtle
- Adagio - Slow / a toddler who just started to walk / elephant
- Andante - Walking Pace / normal walking / dog
- Moderato - Quick / jogging / rabbit
- Allegro - Fast / run / horse
- Presto - Very Fast / sprint / cheetah
Note: If you would like a better idea for the specific beats per minute (bpm) of each tempo, the information can be found by clicking on the button below.
For the kids...
The following can be found by clicking the button below.
The page below can be used for step 4, described above, to show the kids the words and animals.
Flashcards: Each row is one flashcard. You can show the side with the animal and tempo, and ask how fast that tempo is by asking about the speed of the animal. Then, have them clap/play at that tempo.
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