- In music, rests are symbols that tell you when to be quiet
- How to practice the rests: the students can say "shh"
- The number of beats for each rest and what they look like:
For the kids...
The following can be found by clicking the button below.
The page below can be used for step 3, described above, to show the kids the different notes.
Flashcards: the enlarged images of the rests can be printed out and cut into separate squares. Hold one up and ask the kids to name the rest, how many beats are in it, and how many of the note can fit into one measure.
Once the kids get a good idea of both the notes and rests, the two sets of flashcards can be mixed together.
A drawing sheet so the kids can practice drawing the rests. This can be used the help them learn what the rests look like.
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