Before (optional)
If necessary, give a refresher on notes/rests. You can even use the flashcards to do a quick review.
- That music is made when you put sounds and silences (notes and rests) into different patterns, or rhythms.
- Each rhythm will be three measures long, each with four beats (So each rhythm will be twelve beats long)
- The kids will use the castanets or clap for each note
- Only clap once for each note. If the note is long, hold your hands or the castanet together for the entire note
- The kids will say "shh" during the rests
For the kids...
The following can be found by clicking the button below.
Here are some rhythm sheets. When doing these with the kids you will need to count out "1 2 3 4" for each measure -- the kids can join you in the counting. Remember the "+" means "and." I recommend you demonstrate each rhythm before asking them to do it with you.
Each rhythm has a corresponding image you can use to direct the kids to it.
EXAMPLE - Rhythm 1 should be clapped like the following:
(Measure 1) 1 - clap, 2 - hold, 3 - hold, 4 - hold
(Measure 2) 1 - clap, 2 - hold, 3 - clap, 4 - hold
(Measure 3) 1 - clap, 2 - hold, 3 - hold, 4 - hold
EXAMPLE - Rhythm 1 should be clapped like the following:
(Measure 1) 1 - clap, 2 - hold, 3+ - clap clap, 4 - clap
(Measure 2) 1 - clap, 2 - hold, 3 - clap, 4 - clap
(Measure 3) 1 - clap, 2 - clap, 3+ - clap clap, 4 - clap
The next two sheets incorporate rests.
EXAMPLE - Rhythm 1 should be clapped like the following:
(Measure 1) 1 - clap, 2 - hold, 3 - hold, 4 - hold
(Measure 2) 1 - clap, 2 - hold, 3 - "shh", 4 - hold
(Measure 3) 1 - clap, 2 - hold, 3 - hold, 4 - hold
EXAMPLE - Rhythm 1 should be clapped like the following:
(Measure 1) 1 - clap, 2 - hold, 3+ - clap clap, 4 - "shh"
(Measure 2) 1 - clap, 2 - hold, 3 - clap, 4 - clap
(Measure 3) 1 - clap, 2 - clap, 3+ - clap "shh", 4 - clap
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